Monday, November 14, 2011

From The Gandhi Foundation

---- Reply from John Rowley, Co-ordinator of Special Events and Projects of The Gandhi Foundation ----

Dear Mr Mukherjee,

Thank you so much for your considered response.

This evening's meeting went well according to the only other Trustee who came. I do not have good hearing, the acoustics were not brilliant and, on top of that, I am unable to decipher many Indian accents. There were some very strong opinions expressed. There will be a report posted on our website fairly soon.

Best wishes,

---- Dr Uddipan Mukherjee to John Rowley ----

Dear Mr Rowley, 

Now its my part to tender an apology for the delay in replying.

Its 9th November today and we all are very sure of the fruitful discussion which must have taken place at The Human Rights Action Centre, London.

Difficult to search for words to delineate the actions of your Foundation.  More so, your acknowledgement :

"Comment and criticism of the original announcement escalated rapidly in the Indian media and cyberspace and we were simply unable to keep up", shows your concern regarding the voice of the masses. It categorically expresses your desire to authenticate an award and not merely impose it from the experts' point of view.

Further, your submission: "Our position is that the UK bears both an historic responsibility....." exhibits your aversion toward colonial and neo-colonial exploitative regimes.

At the other end, we strictly believe that nobody would seem to enjoy the activism (including the activists) as Dr Sen ad Mr Imam do not walk on the podium to accept the recognition of their life-long work. After all, pyrrhic victories do not calibrate the march of progress.

Today, it was postponement. Tomorrow, it could be a second thought. And day after tomorrow, a fresh award, and a fresh personality....

PS: Dr Sen's decision needs to be appreciated.  That further elevates him and anoints him in the service of the Adivasis. Mr Imam was pragmatic enough to visit London and discuss the issues. And we all, must at least, sneak out from our blankets and concern ourselves with those people who are NOT hapless, neither helpless, but simply under heaps of neo-colonial dictates.

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